Hitch-hiking with Sam across Europe, 1974

Created by Stephen 5 years ago

Sam said to me, do you want to go and see my brother in Turkey? It was the summer of 1974 and this sounded interesting. OK I said. I will get the tickets and see back here tomorrow said Sam. Back here was The Bulls Head, a pub in Leek and we were both late teenagers with a summer to spend before going to separate uni's, me to Bangor, Sam to Bradford.

The next night Sam turned up with the tickets and they were passed round our friends in the pub. Going to Turkey, everyone was impressed until some bright spark pointed out that there was no return ticket. Did you forget it Sam? You will have to go back to the shop? Ah, said Sam, we only had enough money for a one way ticket so we will have to hitch hike back, and guess what, WE DID!

It took us 6 weeks and many, many adventures such as being put up by a family in Corinth, Greece, for a weekend, and while with them Turkey invaded Cyprus and Greece and Turkey declared war on each other. Suddenly, that Turkish visa stamp on our passport didn't seem so exotic.

Or the time we were on an east coast Italian campsite when a family asked if we would like lunch with them. Sure we said, and we will help you. Our job? Me and Sam had to cook spaghetti for 15 using a small mobile bath with four gas cannisters attached underneath it.

Or the time Sam declared a passionate interest in formula one racing so we could get a lift off a similar geek who then took us round Monza, the Italian circuit. Good job he didn't suddenly like bullfighting as we attempted to get through Spain!

And so we went on, through Switzerland, Germany and France, over the channel as driver's assistants in a HGV lorry and back up to Hartington, arriving with the milkman who was going to Sam's house!

6 weeks of excitement, unpredictability and adventure which I still tell people about today. We lost touch, but that happens in life. We were best friends once and the good memories remain. And of course Sam, to me you will be, to quote our friend Bob Dylan, Forever Young. It was a pleasure to have known you.