Anthony 18th March 2020

Hi Chester, I was across the landing from your dad in Revis Barber Hall in 1975/6. I remember he had a map go the world on his notice-board with pins locating the places he had visited. He was very proud of his trip to Afghanistan and his ride on an elephant. Dylan released 'Desire' in 1976 and your dad loved it, I can remember his singing along to it playing full blast in his off-key voice. He particularly liked the track 'Sarah'. At that time, Bradford Cricket Club was a local night club. We'd pile in though none of us could dance. Our highlight was cajoling the DJ's into playing 'Like a Rolling Stone' at the end of the evening. We'd stand in a line like wow were doing the Okie Cokey singing along. If they'd follow that with Marley's "No Woman no Cry' we were in raptures. In 1977 we drove down to the Rainbow to see Marley , staying over at Sam's sisters flat in Hendon if I recall correctly. I last saw your dad performing to a captivated audience in York - I posted four pictures from that day . That was just before you were born - he was stunning.